
Showing posts from June, 2017

What is OTA and how to use this feature

What is OTA/FOTA? OTA stands for Over the Air (FOTA – Firmware Over the Air). It refers to the wireless delivery of new or updated software or firmware to devices such as smartphones and tablets. OTA can be used with Android, Apple, Microsoft, and virtually all other connected devices (such as tablets, smartphones, PC’s, and IoT devices). How does OTA work? The OTA process is self-explanatory in that it delivers updated software wirelessly or ‘over the air’. These updates are distributed over WiFi or mobile broadband using a function built into the smartphone or tablet’s operating system or through a special OTA app that’s given root access. The update goes out to all the designated smartphones or tablets from one central control panel. There are 2 ways in which the update will be applied: The end user gets notified about an available update and accepts the firmware update on their smartphone or tablet after which the new firmware is sent over. With this option the end u...