What happens when we charge our mobile with 5V 2A rated charger instead of 5V 1A rated charger? Will charging faster damage the battery?

You can also go ahead and use a 5V, 4A adapter if you have one. What you call as a 'charger' is basically just a power adapter; the current rating just tells us what the maximum current that it can provide is. The adapter just supplies power, it has no intelligence beyond that.

In your gadget, there is a charger IC which controls how the battery gets charged. If that is designed for, say 2A at full charge, then that is all that it will draw from the adapter, irrespective of how high the adapter's current rating is.

When you use a 1A adapter and your charger IC is designed to take something higher than that (maybe 1.5A), the max charging rate will get limited to 1A, since that is all that is available. When you shift to the 2A adapter, then the IC can charge the battery at its designed limit of 1.5A. Hence the difference in charging time.

Which charger (mAh) is suitable for 3000 mAh mobile battery? I have two chargers (750 mAh and 850 mAh), which is suitable for a 3000 mAh mobile battery?

I doubt you have a "750 mAh" or "850 mAh" charger.  They are more likely rated at "750 mA" or "850 mA".  

A battery is rated using mAh or milli-amp-hours because that is a description of the energy storage capability.  So your 3000 mAh battery will, in principle at least, deliver 1 milliamp for 3000 hours or 10 milliamps for 300 hours and so forth.  

The rating on a charger shows the maximum current that it is designed to supply.  Probably the 850 mA charger will charge your battery a little faster than the 750 mA charger simply because it can deliver charge at a little higher rate.  Most likely either will work and you probably won't notice the difference in charging time.  But be sure they are rated for the voltage needed for your mobile device and were hopefully designed to charge it


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